Perm Public organization " Veteran МОVU "




About a history of military registration and enlistment offices, about symbolics 

By the end of 1917 there was a question of creation of the armed forces, capable to defend gains of revolution and simultaneously to reflect foreign military intervention. Military - administrative bodies which practically might conduct vigorous military - mobilization and registration - draft work were necessary for formation of such army. Therefore the decree of Advice(council) of National Commissioners from April, 8, 1918 establishes volost, district, provincial and district commissariats on military affairs. Already by the end of 1918 in territory of republic of them it was totaled about(near) 7500. It became the major state action in creation of all system of construction of regular Red Army. Within civil war and foreign intervention military commissariats conduct intensive, huge on scales and volume work on mobilization and acquisition of parts and connections of Red Army, their sending on front, to material supplies of armies, organize general military training population ("Всевобуч" .В the years directly previous to Great Domestic war, military registration and enlistment offices will carry out(spend) the big work on the inventory of militarians according to the new Law accepted in 1939 on a general conscription, carry out booking behind a national economy under plans of the Joint Staff of armed Forces, provide the next conscriptions and on fleet. Great Domestic war has put forward before military commissariats unknown on complexity and scales of a problem(task). The greatest test of their capacity became realization of mobilization of citizens, transport and other resources of the country. In the hardest conditions of war, ruin, mass human losses military commissariats self-denyingly carried out a problem(task) in maintenance of constant updating a field army, creation of reserve parts, acquisition of military schools, the educational centres. Huge and formidable work was done by they on tap(removal) of manpower resources from front areas, for years of war in the territory of the country released(exempted) from the opponent have mobilized about 5 million militarians and recruits for updating active armed forces. Hundred thousand стрелков, machine gunners, бронебойщиков, минометчиков, signalmen and other experts have prepared in system " Всевобуча " .После end of Great Domestic war there is a large stage-by-stage reduction of armed Forces - six turns of demobilization of soldiers in 1945 - 1948 г.г. Naturally on shoulders of military commissariats enormous work on duly reception has lain on the military account demobilized of army and fleet, to their labour and household device. Today military commissariats represent territorial bodies of the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation in subjects of the Russian Federation, in areas and cities (without regional division). On the structural accessory(belonging) they are working body of the Joint Staff of armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Over their activity the Main organizational - mobilization management (ГОМУ) of Joint Staff VS of the Russian Federation through staffs of military districts directly supervises. With acceptance in 1996 of the Federal law of the Russian Federation " About defense " functions of enforcement authorities of subjects of the Russian Federation and institutions of local government have considerably increased in the field of defense. Not military commissariats, namely these bodies should provide execution(performance) by all state structures, the enterprises, the organizations, establishments and citizens of the Russian Federation of the legislation in the field of defense. And military commissariats in this case are direct executors of problems(tasks) of defensive character. Mission of these military bodies today is much wider and more humane, than some believe frightened them " excessive severity " citizens, and any secret for a society does not represent. Than they are engaged particularly? To care of defense of the country, as is known, it is necessary always. Therefore in interaction with enforcement authorities of subjects of the Russian Federation and institutions of local government military commissariats develop plans of realization of mobilization of human and transport resources for territories of republic, edge(territory), area, city or area for a wartime. Even in conditions of reduction of the number Armed forces should receive necessary quantity(amount) of people for maintenance of reliable protection of the state. From here - the whole complex of the important problems(tasks): the organization of the military account, an appeal of citizens on military service, selection of candidates for its(her) passage under the contract, booking of workers and employees behind the enterprises in interests of armed Forces and other armies. Each young man - the potential defence counsel of the Fatherland, it(he) should be ready to execute the duty - to protect the state, so, and a society. Cooperating with local educational bodies, military commissariats render the active help to comprehensive schools, licea, grammar schools, professional schools, colleges, technical schools and boarding schools in the organization and realization of obligatory and voluntary preparation of young men to military service, mastering by them by military - registration specialities and military - applied kinds of sports. Promptly last years competition in military schools is increased. The important care of military commissariats becomes more and more strict, quantitative selection of young men and girls in military schools. The army is the not only armed defence counsels of Fatherland, but also those who after service was transfered to the reserve. Military commissariats assist in duly and full granting of the privileges established by the legislation by him(it), rights and social guarantees. If necessary help former military men in reception of the archival documents confirming a causal relationship of their health with wounds, contusions and the received diseases. They keep account the citizens who were taking part in operations on protection of Fatherland and in zones of confrontations, and also the persons participating in liquidation of consequences of failures and acts of nature. They carry out the account of the military men who have lost work capacity at service on an appeal, make out the appropriate documents, allowing to help them with the decision of social questions. Merits of people before the native Land, their feats should not be forgotten. Military commissariats conduct big розыскную work, prepare for documents and organize delivery of awards by the military man of a stock, to front-line soldiers. Together with institutions of local government they participate in actions for perpetuating memory of victims at protection of Fatherland. Especially important field of activity of military commissariats is a work on military - patriotic education of the population, vocational counselling call-up youth, propagation of prestige and honour of military service. In connection with a huge urgency of these problems(tasks) officer and civil posts were specially entered into staffs(states) of military registration and enlistment offices of subjects of the Russian Federation on public relations, MASS-MEDIA and advertising of military service. All complex of the problems(tasks) assigned to military commissariats is determined in the Regulations about military commissariats authorized by the decision of the Government of the Russian Federation from October, 15, 1999 №1372. In these documents it is emphasized, that selection of people in military registration and enlistment offices should be especially careful, with the strict account of their moral and business qualities, professional suitability, life experience, skill to organize work in close interaction with bodies of the government and public structures.

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