

Recently in mass media rather frequently, almost daily, we learn(find out) about an institution of criminal cases on the facts of reception of bribes or extortions of sums of money, both in the environment of power structures, and in civil departments. Somewhere the worker of motor licensing and inspection department has compelled the had been guilty driver to give instead of the penalty to farm out; somewhere the worker of a military commissariat has received indefinite the sum for an excuse(a help) of the recruit from army, to someone have silenced, as to the witness, a pack of denominations in a foreign currency; someone has received "compensation" for the classified information; the deputy has received money for lobbying of a voice in whose advantage(benefit); the teacher of HIGH SCHOOL for offset to the student; the doctor for the "necessary" diagnosis and so on and so forth.
Bribe - in use this word on has got accustomed in a society so much, what involuntarily think and are set by a question - and what this particularly such? The new, advanced form of commodity attitudes(relations), or social illness of the certain layers of the population? As the phenomenon she(it) has arisen most likely still when between people commodity attitudes(relations), that is a principle « you to me, I to you » only just arose. And at all times "bribe" was applied basically as means of payoff to realization, what - that of the purposes. And as means of a profit she(it) became with occurrence in a society official layers. That is, in the first case is a compulsion (or to persuade) "client" to receive monetary compensation for any service, and the in - second case - compulsion (or in alternative the offer) to bribe.
Under dictionary Ohgegova the concept "bribe" is deciphered as « Money or the material assets given to the official as payoff, as payment punishment by the law of actions ».
In the criminal code of the Russian Federation: Clause(Article) 290 UK. Reception of a bribe
1. Reception by the official personally or through the intermediary of a bribe as money, securities, other property or benefits of property character for actions (inactivity) for the benefit of the briber or persons represented by him(it) if such actions (inactivity) are included into service powers of the official or it by virtue of official position can promote such actions (inactivity), and is equal for the general(common) protection or connivance on service - is punished by the penalty in size from seven hundred up to one thousand minimal sizes of a payment or at a rate of wages or other income condemned for the period from seven months till one year or with imprisonment for the term of till five years with deprivation of the right to borrow(occupy) the certain posts or to be engaged in the certain activity for the term of till three years.
2. Reception by the official of a bribe for illegal actions (inactivity) - is punished by imprisonment for the term of from three till seven years with deprivation of the right to borrow(occupy) the certain posts or to be engaged in the certain activity for the term of till three years.
3. The acts stipulated by parts of first or second present(true) clause(article), accomplished(perfect) by the person borrowing(occupying) the state post of the Russian Federation or the state post of the subject of the Russian Federation, and equally the chapter(head) of institutions of local government, - are punished by imprisonment for the term of from five till ten years with deprivation of the right to borrow(occupy) the certain posts or to be engaged in the certain activity for the term of till three years.
4. The acts stipulated by parts of first, second or third present(true) clause(article) if they are accomplished:
а) Group of persons on preliminary arrangement or the organized group;
б) Repeatedly;
в) With extortion of a bribe;
г) In the large size, - are punished by imprisonment for the term of from seven till twelve years with confiscation of property or without those.
The note. The sum of money, cost of securities, other property or benefits of the property character, the exceeding three hundred minimal sizes of a payment admit as the large size of a bribe.
It is asked - and what minimal size of a bribe? In the law such sum is not determined.
I remember during the stay of the service in army, such personnel officer Gennady Fedoseevich was at us. Has arrived to our part on replacement from Czechoslovakia, as a matter of fact, to serve the rest five years up to pension on a period of service. And so, officers, leaving in the next holidays, always brought to it(him) in a front part and exposed for the holiday a bottle of vodka for 10 roubles. Gennady Fedoseevich invariable gave delivery - 1 copeck. As it(he) explained us then at "оприходовании" this bottle, - 10 roubles already a bribe, and 9руб. 99коп. - is not present, this entertainment.
It is necessary to tell, and to give due, that the word "bribe" in the military environment did not go to Soviet times almost in use. And there was no such need, earnings on those times at officers were prestigious, during time were paid. In parts days receipt and referred to « day of infantry » or day of other arm of the service. At us, for example it was monthly 13 number. Salaries on family quite sufficed. Even to dress ur decently. And each military man dreamed to get in any group of armies, to Germany, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, to Vietnam, to Cuba or to Angola to fill up the prosperity with any domestic automobile. There were no problems and with habitation. Especially in military stations of an apartment received almost all in time. In the big settlements through КЭЧ and local authorities were provided from 10 % of surrendering each house, and military builders then built for militarians much.
With disintegration of Soviet Union, reforms of the new Russian state have begun., sale of state property squandering went to private(individual) hands, "Duma members" began to change laws under new realities. There was a privatization, there were inflations, problems at the majority of the population of the country, including armies have begun. There was a process of a survival in this conditions at the majority of people. Searches of new incomes. The blessing, that in conditions is criminal state, began to be noticed less is criminal narrow-minded. And I would tell, that a bribe, in 90 and the beginning of a new millenium in Russia from all crimes became the most popular and in most cases nonpunishable. Because it became at many the basic source of additional earnings. At one to live with a glamour, to go in holiday abroad, to have a foreign car, a summer residence or a cottage in prestigious area, a two-level apartment. For others, as means of maintenance of family in more or less certain prosperity, as a source for payment with the state for municipal services, gas, phone, etc. Now the number of officers of Armed forces of the Russian Federations living below the breadline, has reached(achieved) 56 %.
I have gone as - that at the end of 90th years, during business trip in Moscow, to the friend for work to one of regional military registration and enlistment offices. Has asked, how are you, as pay, how in general in Moscow live? And so it(he) to me has cited such figures as an example, that to me began not on itself. Already knew, that take bribes everywhere in many cities, establishments, in all spheres of service. But that in such sizes as in ours первопрестольной, I was surprised. For example, that yo avoid from army to the recruit should pay 5 thousand verdure (i.e. dollars) to become the military commissioner of area of Moscow - 30 thousand, military commissar districts - 50 thousand (all in verdure). I then have taken an interest with curiosity, how many their military registration and enlistment office annually calls youth in army. 5-6 % from the general(common) number, worth on the account. It that in remote places military registration and enlistment offices send more than 20-25 %. Means, in our capital of percent(interests) 15 pay off from army under the above-named tariff. If to take 5000 called of Moscow for 5 %, means 15 thousand multiplied on зелененькие - the mad sum which not only will provide military registration and enlistment offices, but also a staff of district, and the Joint Staff, and military Office of Public Prosecutor turns out.
The friend to me has directly told, that in Moscow that average family normally to live month, it is necessary to have at least about 5000 dollars. It was in 90, and how now? The life that rises in price every year on 10-12 %. Therefore in our capital all is solved through bribes. It is literally anywhere and everywhere. Since the top echelons of power, and finishing fine official establishment, or post ДПС.
In 1998 in Perm the whole has passed a turn of litigations above officers of military registration and enlistment offices under clause(article) "Bribery". Basically all judged on the facts of a payoff of recruits from army. But me the court above the chief of 2 branches Sverdlovsk райвоенкомата N.Loginov and has most of all struck consequences of this court. Knowing this officer, as decent(considerable) and fair person, the father of the big family (5 children), with constant household problems because of domestic disorder. This year cases with a delay of the salary were rather often, the officer has been compelled before to sell on cheap stuff old automobile " Volhynia ". And here still this default. Naturally and the sum from sale of the automobile has depreciated in some times. And it(he) contrary to the principles has gone on this step, has taken 3000 roubles. As appeared, specially to entwine to it(him) for too excessive adherence to principles. In this military registration and enlistment office something earlier was useless to decide(solve) on questions of an appeal criminal in the way. Also the officer as we more than once saw it in films on « dirty technology » has got. The court has recognized his(its) guilty, has given it(him) conditionally 2 years, has appointed the penalty at a rate of 75000 roubles. Well and the staff of military district gave accordingly a command(team) of it(him) to dismiss from Armed forces. In general - that in young rather age with the officer after court there was an impact (insult), has paralysed a leg(foot), a hand. Doctors tried to return it(him) in a normal condition, but is useless. The guy became the invalid. Family now even it is terrible to think, as survives in present conditions.
And one more of kinds of a profit - requisitions from subordinates. In 2003 the former military commissioner of the Perm area colonel E.Danilov has been condemned for it. It(he) almost in the form of an order forced military commissar cities and areas to allow ostensibly on expense accounts. Well also what? Has received conditionally 4 years.
Unfortunately it only one officially published case. And in fact requisitions are too the chronic phenomenon in army. Annually subordinates that - constantly carry that to the chiefs, sometimes under "request" of the last. And sometimes chiefs in alternative impose the desire. The same regional military commissary to not be in disgrace at the chief, is compelled to go on « the sponsor's help » to any head. And at that a problem with an appeal of any relative or the worker. Also the compelled crime is created. I remember, in due time one of directions on personnel questions of me without hints warned, that if not will be you can not expect for the positive decision of a question of my commander. I then was not afraid and have reported to his(its) chief. After that in it directions the fear передо was put in pawn by me. And all questions of personnel work were solved free.
And other examples. In 2003 in « the Komsomol truth » V.Barantsa's clause(article) « Incompetent generals » has been published. There high ranks stole millions roubles from army, and the facts of causing of damage are proved. But the majority have got off either the awards, or amnesty, or still something (can be and bribery). As they say and money are whole, and погоны on a place.
At us for a long time already in people speak, the more you steal, the it is more than chances to remain unpunished. It is an abnormal syndrome. Finally, simple people which appear robed through the state which forgives accused all debts suffer that. Where, for example, those almost 500 million dollars of the Ministry of Defence on which the former financier of the Ministry of Defence mister Olejnikov serves time? And why till now on freedom other persons involved in this plunder? Including not the obscure madam Timoshenko accused of bribery to officers of the Ministry of Defence at a rate of 80 million of dollars for plunder at the Russian state of larger sum. Today she(it) is again torn to authority and money in Ukraine.
Speaking about money-laundering through any structures it is impossible to identify from it and procedure of a summer residence and reception of bribes for participation and intermediary in these crimes. Bribes here, certainly, take place. Only the sizes of them are not comparable to those fine sums that have, for example, employees of GAI (motor licensing and inspection department) or teachers of HIGH SCHOOLS for a mark in to pass  to students.
Bribes in military commissariats as already it has been told above, are made by militarians basically because of trouble in the family budget, duties on payment of an apartment and other circumstances. But it cannot justify people in shoulder-strap, given in due time an oath to fair service to the Native land, Fatherland. But I should ask in that case a question. Who pushes on so humiliating acts of the Russian officers? Who compels to earn in their disgraceful way additional earnings?
Low official salaries, unapartments, problems with the device for work of wives - all this not full list of inconveniences with which the Russian officer collides(faces) today. Also the state to which they serve is guilty in it, first of all. Those are guilty hooked create which, planning the budget for the next year, do not pawn in him(it) charges on improvement of a human life. Yes, to the Ministry of Defence have considerably increased the budget by 2005. But on what purposes? On arms, on combat training, on transition to contract military service, on struggle against terrorism, etc. And on increase in the salary almost anything. The human factor both was not taken into account, and continues to not undertake in calculation. Well and what mood at "fighter" after that will be? It(he) or will adapt or will send all to « чертовой mothers » and will write the official report about dismissal to keep the honour. That by the way many today also do(make). Then also new kinds of the weapon, and money for combat training if not will be in army of officer elite really will be not claimed.
But a bribe to a bribe рознь. All depends on the purpose of payoff or the purpose of reception of a bribe. And the most terrible when this purpose is directed on the organization and fulfilment of a monstrous crime. The certificate(act) of terror, war, custom-made murder, abduction of the child. And not a secret, that customers of these crimes, as a rule, are people (if they so can be named) not poor, representing any parties(sets), associations, the extremist organizations and, even, authorities. And the sizes of the bribes current in pockets of interested officials, in any comparison with above-named in this clause(article) you will not put. Here they are measured in 100-fold and even a 1000-fold equivalent. Also that the most surprising, than above the official, especially it(he) is protected from justice. Because justice too is bought. They only demand for this protection the much more sums, than simple inhabitants.
And never at us the theme of the Chechen intensity will be closed, frank subsidizings of this conflict by some oligarches, the western and Arabian multibillionaires, lobbying of the legislative items(points), positive processes of settlement of the conflict specially braking the sanction will not be stopped yet. To whom will want to refuse such source of a profit due to the state ("used" it is not known where the budget on restoration of the economy, the destroyed buildings, the social help the victim, etc.)?
On December, 10 this year on site Полит. ру the rating of the most corrupt institutes of Russia has been published. On the first place militia, further there is a parliament, judicial authorities, a private sector, customs house, formation(education). Militarians divide 8-11 places with tax specialists, press and medicine. I do not know, by what criteria this rating was deduced(removed), but that here there is no authority already directs, on an idea not objectivity of an estimation of corruption in our country. In a seal only also you read about arrests of chapters(heads) of administrations, assistants, other officials from power structures or excitation against them criminal investigations for the abusings service position expressed as reception and bribery. Why not they on the first place? And in fact the biggest sums of transactions pass through officials of authority. It and so-called tenders (competitions) on sale or purchase of property over 200 thousand roubles where three participate at least - four nominees. But choose the one who will pay 10-percent incentive (simply a bribe for punching), i.e. the more dearly(expensively), the better for the official more. For example, the military registration and enlistment office has exposed purchase of the automobile on the tender. Factory cost of his(its) 300 thousand roubles. In the nearest car-care center - 320 thousand roubles. But is not present, choose the winner of competition the organization which is taking place at « the worlds end » with cost of this automobile already on 125 thousand roubles is more dear(expensive) than a factory price. The military registration and enlistment office is compelled to send the representative for 4-5 thousand kilometers what therefrom to drive the machine the course. Spending in addition on gasoline, on replacement after обкатки in road of oil and the filter, etc. But to government officials in a pocket go to bed 42 thousand roubles. And who has thought up these tenders? If the head himself is deprived powers to decide, where and under what price something to get. And how many it will be interesting to cost the transaction if to sell the whole company, a factory, the ground under extraction of minerals? The flourish for the benefit of someone will be put by all the same government official.
Squandering of national money from budgets of authority is one party(side) but when someone due to it unreasonably is enriched and makes profit is already other party(side) of our today's validity. And it, finally, beats on a pocket simple national люда. The circuit very simple - putting monetary weight in any business and that them to return - it is necessary to raise for something the prices. And what to make it "is lawful", it is necessary to bribe the one who it "will legalize".
And prick we have started talking about laws, the question is imposed involuntarily. And why those bribes, which we see everywhere (for a payoff from army, for example) to not legalize as to pays off for the blessing of the same state department? This was done(made) during Peter times. Not serving in army officially now pay in Georgia, Kirghizia, Armenia, Turkey. The sums only at them different: from 200 chests up to 8000 dollars. Especially conversations on this theme already rose (representatives of Duma fraction " Unity " Jury Tsybakin and Victor Pleskachevsky, the deputy of the State Duma from " the Union of the right forces " Vladimir Semenov, the military commissioner of Novosibirsk area general - major G.Nahaev, etc.) . First, it will be stopped « militerkomissariat business » and an overflowing of money in pockets of officials (members of the draft commissions, doctors, representatives of higher staffs). When all this will be made out lawfully, at officials it will not be already simple openings to make profit due to the draft company. Second, the concept "to avoids" from army will disappear gradually or their quantity(amount) will much more be reduced. The same who will go on it, will know about the criminal liability and penal sanctions even if they will not undersign for the agenda. Thirdly, the money obtained from a payoff to start up on the maintenance(contents) of staff of army. To create him(it) more comfortable conditions of a life, to increase the size of the sum довольствующего maintenances(contents). In clause(article) Gavrilova from June, 9, 2004 in the newspaper « the Russian newspaper » has flown such figure in 20 billion roubles which annually in military registration and enlistment offices take bribes. This sum rather decent, but she(it) reflects the average size of a bribe in the sum somewhere in 40-50 thousand roubles (though in some regions take up to 5000 dollars). I think, that to pas off should correspond(meet) to that sum which is really spent on one soldier within one year (and can half-year if the payoff up to the following appeal). That is expenses for a feed(meal), for regimentals, a monetary contentment, on combat training, etc. And seditious in it I see nothing. If the person does not want to carry out the constitutional duty through urgent service, let in the subsequent will pass harboure preparation. Two - three months to it(him) will not do much harm, if it(he), for example, somewhere studies or somewhere works. And his(its) involuntary service only will do much harm both his(its) mentality, and discipline in army even more. Less "headache" will be at commanders.
And still I would suggest in army, namely in parts, divisions and establishments, to create or enter such institute which would be responsible morally - for the moral party(side) of each official. Unfortunately the institute of educational work available today does not meet these requirements. It more likely club workers, - where to place what advertising, the stand, the wall newspaper. Everything, on what they are capable. And to straigthen out from a unseemly act, to warn, lead(warn, carry out) preventive work - now it to armies, as a matter of fact, it is neglected. Military Offices of Public Prosecutor all to capture simply physically opportunities have no. And crimes should be stopped in the germ. I even would tell easier - the person should have always fear to get on a crime and before his(its) consequences.
And the last, a bribe as the phenomenon everywhere in all structures and fields of activity of the person to eradicate will be simply impossible without the cardinal reforms directed on elimination of the reasons and motives of these acts. It will be certainly difficult to do(make) it, but consequences for the country will be so positive, that it will be felt on itself by each Russian person. The main thing will plausibly be reflected on health and well-being of all society. Because will appear huge additional monetary resources which will solve set of problems (earnings, pensions, municipal payments, treatment, study, etc.). Of what it is necessary to think to the State Duma, the Government, the President.
And answering a question of heading of this clause(article) it is possible to draw only one conclusion: the bribe is the phenomenon generating of many(a lot of,much) problems.
Grigory Sajfutdinov, the colonel of a stock
On December, 18, 2004.

Below I bring far incomplete list of the excited criminal cases in military commissariats which have been got(started) under clause(article) 290 УК the Russian Federation. The information has been taken from news lines of the Internet for 2004, 2003 and the end 2002 г.г.:
On December, 7 L.Jarilinoj's verdict (the Vladimir area) will be born
6.12.2004 19:31 | ИА REGNUM
The verdict on former chairman of committee of soldier's mothers of area of Lyudmila Jarilinoj can be born on December, 7 " for feigning of illness with the purpose of evasion from service in army " two soldiers срочников. A bribe of 6000 roubles.
The commissioner of a situated near Moscow military registration and enlistment office has got on a bribe
3.12.2004 11:32 | ИА REGNUM
The 47-years colonel - military commissioner Taldomskogo of a district military commissariat, has got at reception of 2,4 thousand dollars.
The doctor - bribe taker is released(let off) up to court under a subscription about невыезде (Krasnoyarsk)
26.11.2004 11:16 | KNews.RU
The 26-years doctor has consisted in the military-medical commission, surveying recruits. On November, 24 Кавиров has suggested 19-years Stepan Kudikovu for reception of a delay from army to pay 15 thousand roubles in a neutral territory.
In Udmurtiya the verdict regional военкому for reception of a bribe is born
Izhevsk. On November, 18. The INTERFAX - ПОВОЛЖЬЕ - the Izhevsk garrison military court has sentenced military commissioner Jarskogo of area of Udmurtiya to 3,5 years of imprisonment for reception of a bribe. военком has been taken with поличным during transfer to it(him) to 25 thousand roubles as a bribe of one of recruits for a delay from military service. The court has sentenced военкома to 3,5 years of imprisonment in a colony of the general(common) mode with deprivation of a rank of the lieutenant colonel, four medals, to hold of military pension and the right a post of the commissioner within three years.
The lieutenant colonel of a military registration and enlistment office have caught on a bribe
03.08.2004 17:40
On August, 2 the chief of the fourth branch of the Military commissariat of October area of Rostov the lieutenant colonel of Smiths is detained. The officer is suspected of reception of a bribe. It(him) have taken with поличным directly in a service cabinet(study). Smiths has received nine thousand roubles from the young man of military age for unobstructed statement on the military account.
In Volgograd at reception of a bribe the chief of a department of a military registration and enlistment office is detained
28.07.2004 20:55 | ИА REGNUM
In Volgograd the chief of a department central райвоенкомата is detained on suspicion in reception of a bribe from the recruit.
Militiamen have lead(have carried out) operation during which to the lieutenant colonel have been handed меченые denominations. According to operatives, for 20 thousand roubles the officer guaranteed to the recruit reception of the "white" identity card.
" Business of the Oryol bribe takers ": the lieutenant colonel catches red-handed
29.06.2004 14:30 | ИА REGNUM
With поличным at reception of a bribe the chief of second branch Mtsenskogo райвоенкомата is detained. Has suggested to solve the problem positively, only " for the certain sum ": 300 US dollars.
The therapist of a situated near Moscow military registration and enlistment office has got on a bribe
18.06.2004 12:46 | ИА REGNUM
The doctor has received 63 thousand roubles from the 25-years local resident for the information(inquiry) recognizing the young man unusable to service in the ranks of the Russian army.
In Krasnoyarsk at reception of a bribe the doctor of a military registration and enlistment office is detained
29.04.2004 9:03 | KNews.RU
Managing эндоскопическим by a cabinet(study) on surname Шломов has been detained at reception of a bribe at a rate of 60 thousand roubles. It(he) has written out the information(inquiry) to the recruit for a delay from army.
Concerning two Krasnoyarsk military leaders criminal cases are excited
17.03.2004 14:53 | KNews.RU
Criminal cases are excited concerning the chief 2 departments of the Lenin military registration and enlistment office of Vladimir Makova, and also the former worker of a commissariat of the Soviet area Igor Parshina.
The assistant to the military commissioner of Khabarovsk territory is detained for extortion
12.02.2004 12:21 | the Country. Ru
Colonel Sergey Baslavjak extorted a bribe at a rate of 300 dollars for delivery of the sanction to reception of the passport to the person who was consisting on the military account and not taking place military service.
Military registration and enlistment offices of Moscow demand 800 dollars accepting the application(statement) on alternative service
19.01.2004 14:46 | NEWSru.com
In military registration and enlistment offices of Moscow for acceptance of the application(statement) on alternative civil service (АГС) demand about 800 dollars. It was declared chairman of public organization " Soldier's mothers " by Svetlana Kuznetsova, having referred on complaints of parents of recruits.
In Office of Public Prosecutor of Stavropol territory business about reception of a bribe by the military commissioner is excited
23.07.2003 15:46 | ИА REGNUM
In a study after reception of a large bribe for illegal actions under the certification of the reserve officer the Office of Public Prosecutor of edge(territory) of Municipal Department of Internal Affairs SK catches red-handed the military commissioner of Industrial region of Stavropol colonel N.Korotenko.
The Perm area: the Court has sentenced colonel Eugeny Danilova to 4 years conditionally
17.07.2003 9:46 | ИА "ВолгаИнформ"
On Wednesday in the evening the court of the Perm garrison has made a decision on colonel Eugeny Danilova - the former military commissioner of the Perm area. Colonel Danilov was accused under four clauses(articles) of the criminal code, in particular, in connection with reception of bribes, excess of service powers, official forgery and plunders.
Quotations for a civil life
30.05.2003 10:03 | the Independent newspaper
The Moscow city military Office of Public Prosecutor has detained for extortion of a bribe at a rate of 2,5 thousand dollars of military commissioner Tsaritsynskogo райвоенкомата Moscow colonel Vladimir Levchenko and the chief of 2-nd department of the same military registration and enlistment office of lieutenant colonel Victor Nikulina.
The employee of the Moscow military registration and enlistment office is condemned for a bribe for two years
21.06.2003 15:01 | NEWSru.com
The Moscow district military court has sentenced to two years of imprisonment of the former chief of branch of the incorporated military commissariat of area Babushkinskogo of Moscow of lieutenant colonel Ilya Bivola for extortion and reception of bribes.
In Vladivostok the chief of a military registration and enlistment office have planted(put) for bribes
29.04.2003 6:31 | Газета.ru
The Vladivostok garrison military court for reception of a bribe has sentenced to five years of imprisonment of the chief of one of military commissariats of Vladivostok. Condemned it is deprived a military rank of the lieutenant colonel, and within three years it is forbidden to it(him) to borrow(occupy) organizational - administrative posts.
The employee of the military-medical commission of a military commissariat of Karelia has been detained at reception of a bribe
18.11.2002 19:45 | Regionov.net
On an established fact criminal case is excited.
The Tula area. This year in military court of the Tula garrison for bribery three workers of military registration and enlistment offices are condemned
27.09.2002 15:13 | ИА REGNUM
According to a developed stereotype, bribes in a military registration and enlistment office, basically, are brought by the recruits, doing not wish to rise in build or to serve in a "bad" part. The sum makes usually from 1 up to 2 thousand US dollars. So, in area Volovskom of the Tula area the worker of a military registration and enlistment office has received a bribe that while translating the recruit from one military registration and enlistment office in other his(its) documents "were lost". However other two verdicts on bribes have been connected to payment of pensions and grants(manuals) the militarian. So, the chief of 3-rd branch of a military commissariat of Tula for money has given out the "lime" information(inquiry) necessary for the former militarian for reception of money on a length of service. Doctors of a Novomoskovsk military registration and enlistment office took money for that healthy recruits " on health " have not got in army.

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