

« We spoke about that accepted at a level of parliament of the country and the Government of the decision have been realized so that they have not worsened position of those who requires ».
The president of Russia V.Putin, 17.01.2005.
The wave of protests and meetings on the Russian cities has swept. People has felt from the beginning of year while only « all of charm » the mechanism of action of the notorious law №122 on transport and in drugstores. And acquaintance with « treatment, housing and communal services, habitation, etc. » will be farther still. Therefore will be farther more. Both meetings, and protests, and even revolts. To predict it it is not difficult. In fact Russian people on the nature while hands something will not touch, yet will not feel it the leather(skin), will not get at this or that event in practice by the mind(wit) (« a pocket! »), until then it(he) will be in silent "hibernation". So year at us this will be "cheerful" and хлопотным for the Government. As they say - that have generated, and пожнут. At us, as in « the country of fools ». Today you have stroked, have caressed; and tomorrow « a butt on a head ». Only in Russia all accepted laws have return force. Laws are accepted, and there and then through any small time are cancelled. As money to their practical action does not suffice. But on repeated increase in the salary of officials of money are, on the privileges, on others not national charges. At us today privileges are given, and tomorrow are selected. Marasm from which suffer and morally and financially simple people. « Монетизация privileges » has touched almost all layers of a society. To some extent, all, finally, something lose - one more, others it is less.
This "монетизация", to be exact itself ФЗ has hurt struck the Russian Federation №122, military men and military pensioners (namely veterans of Armed forces). I shall result arguments on an example even such city, how Khanty-Mansiysk, considered in простонародии capital of " the Russian Emirates » (looking only for whom?) . First, since January, 1 travel to the bus (7 roubles) began for all paid. I already saw not unitary as the conductor expelled from the bus of soldiers of urgent service going on watch. Their indemnification on travel to 100 roubles (which they still yet did not receive) here in Hunts only provides three days of trip (4 trips to day: in the morning, in the evening, for a dinner, after a dinner). It became humiliating to look, how once prestigious Russian officers start to be fumbled in the bus on the pockets, that наскрести a trifle for payment of trip (as "vagabonds" any). Well and that, as military pensioners (veterans of Armed forces) have lost free-of-charge travel it can be named last drop of that they had under the Law « About the status of military men ». From which besides travel, have emasculated also municipal services, treatment of members of family, the right on reception of habitation (for бесквартирных), the right on reception of the ground areas, etc. In Hunts many military pensioners stood in a queue on reception of habitation. While all of them rent living spaces under the fabulous prices (from 6 up to 10 thousand roubles for a room or an one-room apartment, from 10 up to 15 thousand roubles for two-room). Pension at the colonel - the lieutenant colonel of a stock, for example, from 7,5 up to 6 thousand (it in the North). Now a problem of reception of habitation under the big question. And without an apartment here, to especially idle pensioner, on one pension to not live. Especially the prices and for municipal services, for an electricity (from 1.01.2005 - on 8 %), for phone constantly grow. Only on products in Khanty-Mansiysk since January, 1 of the price have risen in price for 10 %. The military pensioners who have retired with a period of service more of 20 years, almost everyone have any sores (it is possible to tell even - bouquets of illnesses). But on commission VTEK to receive group of physical inability, not everyone go. As, for example, young (I exaggerate because with such age for work take not willingly) 45-50-летнему to the reserve officer to receive group of physical inability and after that to doom myself to problems in employment, dooming on life with one pension. Clearly, that not everyone want it. It is good, if there is still a habitation. And how to be that who requires it? - To go and work further, on a citizen. To earn something for a life or to make ends meet - main today motives at the Russian troops leaving in a stock or resignation. However, at those who serves, not better. The same problems both with habitation, and with the salary, and, now still, with privileges.
Many former military men in the first days of the new civil life start to face problems of employment. As a rule, those heads of establishments, the companies, the enterprises who to you once promised without проблемно to fix to itself up for a job, for some reason on new yours ипостась already so do not react, and correctly turn away and refuse in work. And where you, the former militarian were not sticked, everywhere "облом", everywhere are necessary young till 35 years. In general, at this age we appear to whom not necessary, not claimed. And in searches of any earnings finally you come to be arranged in that sphere which has left. In a military registration and enlistment office, military unit, other military establishment. And it is even worse, it somewhere the security guard. The civil personnel in Armed forces of the Russian Federation receives the salary according to authorized staffs(states) and the tariff categories determined in them, the quotation on which did not vary already almost one and a half year (since 2003). That is, the same as also the military man, were not indexed. Besides, old 2004 the Government has not included the civil personnel of Armed forces in the list on new МРОТ (700 roubles) on increase since January, 1, 2005 of the salary on 20 %. And the salary in the same military registration and enlistment office (even in Khanty-Mansiysk) she(it) is much lower average on autonomous region (20 thousand roubles). For military registration and enlistment offices it somewhere from 3,5 up to 10 thousand roubles (depending on the experience and a post). The civil personnel any more has no any additional payments. Earlier though as that Government helped, but since 2004, we for them "федералы". In general, somewhere, in any regions is higher than an average level live федералы, and somewhere, on the contrary, регионалы. In Khanty-Mansiysk independent district just that case when the local budget provides the workers better, than federal budgets of departments. And not fault of those who in remote places suffers(bears) all these defects of the ministries and departments on « the skin ».
Recently lead(Recently carried out) interrogation in armies has shown, that 80 % of military men negatively concern to a cancellation of privileges (on a site of the newspaper « the Red star » in a heading of the same interrogation this parameter makes 95 %). And so, if the same interrogation have lead(have carried out) among military pensioners who make not one million person opponents of the law « About монетизации » would be much more. But officials, authors of this law (by the way, at all not serving in army), in general have cleaned(removed) from a lexicon of a word « the veteran of Armed forces ». That is till 60 years, we in general anybody: neither to a category of simple pensioners we do not concern, nor to veterans of work (as though we did not work at army at all, and sores have earned by infection). And as there will be in army young people as young officers will serve, ensigns if will see that expects them by the end of service: бесквартирье, deprivation of privileges, unemployment, social not security. Correctly someone has told about us - now we became people of " the second grade ». And in fact still it is literally recently us equated to state employees, and grades high to military ranks correlated. And now above mentioned law even have overlooked, who such Veterans of Armed forces. Up to what have humiliated and have finished army. Such as Kudrin, Gref, Zurabs, the State Duma, Council of Federation. Now try to perform operation on the move somehow to correct position. But in fact it again will lead to to unpredictable consequences. The law was accepted hasty, with "кондачка", now have engaged латанием holes. Who needs such Government? From which from the moment of his(its) formation as a whole, one harm is rendered to people, and regions only.
Minister Zurabov spoke, when this law passed, that if to someone it becomes worse, it(he) will retire. Why it(he) till now with a portfolio? Why it(he) on freedom? Has not executed затеянное so hold even the promised word. I knowingly in the foreword have resulted the statement of the President of the country. Let someone even on one item(point) will prove, that to military pensioners after acceptance of the notorious law to live it became better or will tell, that well-being of them has not worsened, that the standard of living has not decreased. Anybody will not prove it, and language will not turn. Unless only at the unscrupulous liar and the impudent fellow. And mister Zurabova for resignation today more than has enough occasions. By it(him) « labour and service » to a ladder, accumulation on a comfortable old age at him(it) are available.
The law №122 if it(him) attentively to read and comprehend it will be possible to predict and predict what else problems and in other aspects of ability to live of the country. It and in questions of mobilization, defensibility of the country, strengthening of Armed forces and other questions. For example, for the military commissariats, the questions of the primary military account turned out by decades with abolition of military - registration tables in settlements, will create problems not only with mobilization of manpower resources, but also with a scheduled appeal of youth on military service.
By this law it is given cards - бланш for the composition favourable for кучки officials of new laws. An example - the new Housing code. While it(he) has not reached yet weights. But протестных actions(shares) under this law will be not less, than on "монетизации". Old men under this law for delayed payment of municipal services now can be thrown out from a municipal apartment legally. Who has not had time to privatize an apartment till March, 1, prepare now денежки at real cost of this habitation (if certainly to not cancel earlier accepted decision on free-of-charge privatization till January, 1, 2007). And it yet all. If you stand still somewhere in turn on reception of free-of-charge habitation, - everything, overlook about it and prepare денежки. And if you want to improve conditions of a life, you stand on it in turn, - too prepare money for payment of additional square meters (in Khanty-Mansiysk up to 25 thousand roubles for 1 sq.m.) . Well and a number(line) of other positions in this Code as it is not entered in frameworks of social security.
The mentality of the Russian officer does not allow it(him) to participate in протестных actions(shares) and on meetings. But I see those who serves, every day. Itself, as the military pensioner, hardly I restrain for internal anger. Though personally anything especially does not threaten me, if I shall lower "pairs" somewhere before a building of the Government in crowd same offended. Unless, can jostle in "кутузку" and keep somewhere in the chamber till the evening, there will be no yet all of "pairs". But, on the other hand, somehow it would not be desirable the colonel of a stock to get in so humiliating situation. And by and large, if someone organizes us, we, veterans of Armed forces of Soviet Union and Russia are ready to go on any area and to make to authority the protest. Only that this authority has not finished with revolt of those whom they count defenders of Fatherland. Militarians already make the protest in the fine form (tablets in the bus with words « I the Hare », abuse with conductors, deliberate delay on service, on watch, etc.).
For now you look every day news, you read clauses(articles), you listen to performances(statements), and again you are surprised - why words about veterans of Armed forces. Or those who has given service to the Fatherland of 25-30 and more years, are already forgotten. As those who carried out an international duty in Afghanistan are forgotten; who helped after Domestic war in emancipating war to China, Northern Korea; who risked the life in other countries where too shot. Yes, on my generation which has been born at the end of 40 and beginning 50 wars in Afghanistan, the Chechen Republic, Нагорный Карабах, Приднестровье, Tadjikistan came. And even earlier - Даманский, Semipalatinsk, Egypt, Vietnam. Someone had to take part in many of these передряг. Someone has not returned therefrom, someone became the invalid. And who, seeing off the comrades, not once has then tested bitterness of losses. If sirs Зурабовы, Кудрины and Грефы knew, how many mental anguish and инфарктных scars (рубцов) on heart at many military pensioners? All of them only hide it on - мужски from relatives, friends. We also live after dismissal not so much, how many it would be desirable. That one friend will leave this world, another. Someone has not time to live at all and on pension. Each person has friends, and there are the best, close. Of them 5-6 person, as a rule, is no more. And so at me half of the best friends already are not present. All my coevals. And to us speak, will live up to 60 then receive some privileges. About these 60 years still it is necessary to live.
Have typed(collected) in the Government of "boys", not нюхавших even to gunpowder (even urgent in army did not serve), and have entrusted him(it) in own way to solve military questions, social, everyday and others. And they know only one command(team) - « give, give » (and that only for itself). Also take ото everywhere, whence it is possible and it is painless. In the best way at old men. A pier they already слабенькие. They strong and appreciable will not give delivery. Be mistaken. Still as will give. Will not seem a little.
In the conclusion it would be desirable to recollect, how lived and regular officers, military pensioners and our army served at chapters(heads) of the Soviet state, and during an epoch of Russian tsars and emperors. It was the maximum(supreme) caste of a society. The attention was given paramount. For knew, when the army is strong, the state means strongly and strong. We still remember, when lived and served with a guarantee for the old age. The state fed army, обувало, supplied with technics(technical equipment) and arms, officers and ensigns without проблемно received apartments. Every day there was a fighting study. Not once in one year were carried out(spent) батальонные and полковые tactical doctrines with fighting shooting. We were proud of fighting training of soldiers because an example for them were their commanders. And on all then money sufficed for some reason. About infringements of military discipline spoke seldom. Then it was state of emergency. Yes, "дедовщина" was and then in 70-80-Ñ years, but the form of her(it) was completely other. And she(it) was more likely preceptive for recruits. Basically got to those who refused authorized orders, brought as a whole the collective in competition among other same divisions. Who pulled this division back. Was cruelty, violence much less. Guys went in army with songs, saw off their whole villages, city microdistricts. Девчата of them were proud and waited. In general, another was absolutely adjust. The service was prestigious and honourable. It was recognized by all. Of us then and in the world were afraid and respected. There was a strong state. And let modern historians speak the opposite. But then also people was afraid for the life less. Though grumbled on the some people of injustice, but veins cheerfully. I last time at mother saw a smile on the person before August, 1991. After putsch, with the beginning of boundless inflating slander on army in mass media and threats of a life of militarians, mother began to be afraid for me. For such, as I. And the feeling of alarm of her(it) did not leave(abandon) down to the death. Because an openness of all conflicts only once again chafed hearts of mothers. The newspaper gossip about death of soldiers became norm in our society. Parents began to panic, be united more in committees, to interfere with an appeal of youth on military service.
Now youth embittered, severe and legible. It their such was made with a today's life, the today's validity. Guys are more informed. And frequently the negative information makes in their consciousness not a predicted choice. They betray about what to them spoke senior (grandfathers, grandmothers, parents, tutors, teachers) since пеленок - « to grow and be the defender of the Native land ».
And today before militarians I would tell it is necessary not - to convince an easy problem of these guys of importance for the state, the countries and for them trades « the Native land to protect ». And who will be engaged in it, if the state it defames instructors. If those who should bring up young soldiers, run from army from a hopelessness and not vision of the future prospect.
All can we the mind(wit) not understand, what is created there - above? Can to us and невдомек, what all of them радеют for us? But then, why at us all from it so is bad? Also it turns out, that we live as in « the country of fools » where do not want or simply not can understand each other and those who on top, and those who below. Where, as on " a field of miracles " - one сеют lie, others want to reap after them the truth.
Grigory Sajfutdinov, the colonel of a stock. On January, 26, 2005.
PS: In general by and large, health and wisdom of the State and the Society would be much higher and more useful to everything when on supervising posts there would be people honouring the Constitution of the country, knowing a life from different directions, past through everyday difficulties, and consequently understanding problems of people. I, for example, would forbid to register in general on elective offices of those people (I have a man's half in a kind) which have not executed the constitutional duty, i.e. did not serve in army. What it is necessary for this purpose? - To send in resignation the Government, to dismiss present structure of the State Duma, to make changes to the selective law. To type(collect) a new command(team). And in power(force) departments on supervising posts to not suppose at all those women who did not live among militarians and who do not know their difficulty from an interior. That then did not declare all over the country (as madam Kudelina), that " at militarians and so pension high, therefore will cost while without indexation ". That is, when the peasant will be made even to the colonel of a stock or in resignation on the sizes of the pensions then there will be an indexation. And as then promises of the President of Russia, that militarians will receive as state employees. Interestingly what now pension at the state adviser of the Russian Federation 2 classes which under the table of ranks corresponds(meets) to a military rank "colonel". Why the Government does not carry out the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation from June, 1, 2002 №537? Why, for example, the lieutenant colonel does not receive pension of the state adviser of the Russian Federation 3 classes, and the major accordingly the adviser of the Russian Federation of 1 class? Or militarians now became not " государевыми employees "? Make to us corresponding pension and index in due time in view of inflation then also anybody will not ask a privilege.
Now in many regions have started to make amendments in accepted before the Decision on measures of social protection of separate categories of people. It is pleasant, that somewhere positively are solved at a local level and questions of military pensioners.
We, the veterans of Armed forces living and working in Khanty-Mansiysk autonomous region did not leave on street on meetings of the protest. Knowing decency and honesty of Governor A.Filipenko, we trust and we rely, that it(he) will make concerning us the reasonable decision. Not too it is a lot of us in Khanty-Mansiysk autonomous region. And the soldier of urgent service in general units. For the budget of " the Russian Emirates " it will be a real drop!

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