
Honour - is she(it) today whether or not?

Has read recently clause(article) of Russian general M.Skobelev « Education of Russian officers on the best traditions of Fatherland Russian » and it could not be kept from comparison with day today's, to be exact from continuation of development of this question during the period after October revolution up to now. The truth clause(article) obviously is not completely written by a feather of the glorified Russian general. References to captain Kulchitskogo, admiral Makarova, suggest that continuation of this theme (to be exact clauses(articles)) дописано on many after death of the author (1882).
Yes, questions of education of ethics and officer honour were always actual for army. The same as and for a society as a whole.
October revolution, the Civil war, the first years of the Soviet authority, have brought in the certain crisis to an educational system of the new officer. Though, due to the officers who have adjoined the Soviet authority of a former mode, their many positive features to the future officers took root in again created military schools and academies. It first of all nobleness, fidelity to the Native land (patriotism), norms of behaviour with subordinates, with the senior chiefs, in public places. Though, it is especial to students from a countryside, were difficultly given and these manners were hardly comprehended at the beginning. But, nevertheless, to the Soviet officer such qualities, as fidelity were inherent in a duty, the oath, honesty, readiness for self-sacrifice in the name of the Native land, implicit performance of orders of commanders, respect for grown-ups on a rank. At this time the feeling of patriotism for the country especially developed. And not important who was in the ranks of Red Army - Russian, ukrainian, the Uzbek or the Armenian - all equally loved the country, the Union of the Soviet Socialist Republics. Great Domestic war 1941-1945 г.г. It only has confirmed, given to the Native land more than 11 thousand Heroes of Soviet Union almost all nationalities, to inhabits the USSR.
During the post-war period down to "reorganization" of tradition of Red Army were kept, and even were increased. On a new qualitative level technical and fighting equipment of Armed forces, preparation of the officer case in military educational institutions has risen. Their literacy has considerably raised(increased). The officer of 50-80 years was distinguished with compulsion, discipline, independence. The reasonable initiative, creativity was encouraged. I shall not be afraid to tell, that these years the new talented galaxy of strong commanders - leader in war and clever strategists - staff officer has appeared are generals Gareyev М., Третьяк, Nikolaev А., Makashov А. (as the commander armies of district - it(he) was simply unique), Majors В., Rokhlin Л., Thunders Б., Smiths Е., the Swan And. One is possible to tell about such people - « the officer with military man ». That is people in all punctual, purposeful, obligatory, meticulous in performance of tasks in view. Yes actually a lot of such I met both among younger and among the senior officers. Especially among "cadets" is those who has had training up to military school preparation in suvorovskom or nahimovskom school.
In 90th years of 20 centuries Russia has lost ideology which even was present at imperial Russia. Besides with silent connivance of the new Government it was allowed, first of all through "yellow press", to humiliate army, to drop its(her) prestigiousness. To admit(allow) persecution of officers. I remember, how these years, even it was authorized to us to go for work in civil clothes. On it was not safe to go in the military form so much, up to such humiliation our troops never before did not fall. In psychology of the officer there was a break. And here also the monetary contentment has fallen. On the first place there was a problem of a survival. At many the purpose of a profit any ways has appeared. There was a wave of thefts, sales of the weapon, bribery.
In 1993 the President of Russia B.Yeltsin somehow to brighten up so humiliating position of the Russian officers, to lift prestigiousness of service in army, has issued the Law « About the status of military men ». To officers and military pensioners 22 social privileges were given. (To a word, military men the USA have the list of privileges consisting already from 140 items(points), among which such as privileges at purchase of habitation, training, payment of municipal services, reception of credits, the huge list of privileges in sphere of medical maintenance. For reduced prices they use military trade and the automobiles at military stations where the price of fuel makes approximately half of average price fill. Paid holiday at militarians - 36 days. During holiday it(he) receives the 50-percent discount for payment of travel to a place of rest and almost same - for residing at motel.)
By the end of board of B.Eltsina a part of privileges have been cancelled. But the strongest impact on reputation of the Russian officer has been put by a command(team) of the following President of Russia, V.Putina. Today from this Law the new Law about monetisazija (the Law №122) emasculates everything, that is possible and not possible. And if here to add on still hopelessness in duly reception of habitation (before reception of an apartment the family, most likely by then, will break up), guarantees of preservation of the health and a life (war in the Chechen Republic, and, most likely still will be somewhere), the prospect of small pension and a problem with employment after dismissal (about 35 years are better to leave, there is a chance to get a job and earn civil pension which can be much more military, it is especial if will be arranged on public service) it is possible to present, on what step have lowered(omitted) militarians once again. The present officer already not belong to an exclusive class though on former it is considered as though sovereig the person. But privileges and privileges now at him(it) are not present.
The last has even more hardened the Russian officers. That rich heritage which remained and transferred with Peter and suvorovskih times, today is gradually superseded by other features. Regretfully it is necessary to ascertain now, that in the officer environment such negatives, as self-interest, ("шкурничество") self-seeking, unscrupulous resourcefulness, egoism, lie take place. As well as in the majority of armies of the postSoviet space - indifference to safety of the Government. We already witness indifferent behaviour of Armed forces during so-called "color" revolutions in Georgia, in Ukraine, in Kirghizia. It is the new world(global) tendency of change of authority without any essential handicapes and obstacles. Tactics is very simple - the opposition all over again through mass-media humiliates army, incites against it(her) weight (especially the youth), then lobbies antiarmy Laws, introduces in the Government of the wreckers for achievement of the purposes. Payoff of people in погонах is then carried out, and « the revolutionary situation » is ready. It is necessary to give on a bottle to vagabonds, jobless, to drunkards, addicts of a doze, students on livelihood, - and "weight" for a capture of authority storm without a uniform shot is ready. It is necessary to find only an occasion of discontent with existing authority. And critical occasions today it is practically possible to find at any authority. Only to people from such revolutions of irresponsible crowd in the subsequent it becomes never better. Because to authority, as a rule, there come swindlers, upstarts, bootlickers, is criminal also other spongers, at which overall objective - personal self-interest. We the fourteenth year disentangle « August putsch » and treachery in Беловежской more. Also what we see? We see, how the authority every year all attacks rights of it of people more rigidly and more rigidly. Any more do not hesitate to show the incomes, earnings, additional sources of a profit. To show the summer residences, foreign cars. And thus to select at veterans last privileges. People began to envy more to each other, on this ground to make illegal actions. High words about nobleness, kindness of soul, equality, compassion - all this today is given by an empty phrase. On change there come the wolf laws - survive strong. Unfortunately all this is absorbed in itself with modern youth. It especially sharply it is felt on them not to respect for grown-ups. Already a rarity if, for example, any teenager (let alone more senior young people) will give a up the place in buses to the elderly person, the grandmother or the grandfather. And the main thing goes absolute ignoring reasonable advice(councils) of the senior generation, in result it is so much « fire wood наламывают » then what to disentangle to have they have neglected what advice(council).
In army we too see today the tendency of the scornful attitude(relation) to preservation of old and kind traditions, to experience explanatory(sensible) and clever leader in war. High ranks in the Government today get rid from such. A.Nikolaev's generals, Supporters, Troshev, Semenov is not full list of true patriots - militarians which remove from their favourite trade, an affair of all life - the Native land to protect!
Therefore, speaking about today's officers (graduates of 90th years and the beginnings of 2-nd millenium), it is impossible even to identify them with that generation which were brought up in the Soviet military schools approximately. Already it is impossible to tell in the affirmative, that all at them have patriotism, servility, respect for grown-ups and subordinates, for veterans of military service. You are not surprised any more when you hear from such rudeness, attempts of familiar dialogue with grown-ups. And, certainly, the disrespectful attitude(relation) to them.
The concept of officer honour somehow began to leave in oblivion, yes that officer if at us in the maximum(supreme) echelons of power were attached person on the makes, the lost conscience and honour. Today the society up to that is infected with everyone заразой such as corruption, bribery, a narcotism, larceny, treachery, prostitution, rudeness, as do not know, what here the medicine will help - revolution or turn of a policy(politics) of the State on 180 degrees (that is to turn to people instead of to stand to it(him) back) more. And there can be something another.
Last message of the President of the Russian Federation Century of Putin Sovetu Federatsii, unfortunately, has not given feeling of satisfaction to prospects of Armed forces. Except for a mention casually about the recommendation of increase of the salary, it is more we than anything about army in this message have not heard. As though she(it) does not exist, as though she(it) is not present. As though there are no problems in Armed forces, that is all is good - high discipline, strong fighting spirit, the reliable morals, full material security, self-denying fidelity to the State, patriotism, love to the Native land. Only why then officers массово leave such army why military pensioners act on meetings? Why it is so much deserters in a peace time? Why the Government, ordering to militarians to kill, does(makes) them then by "whipping boys" how it is now shown in business with captain Ulmanom? Why now commanders should call in question and to ignoring the Charters? Why at officers in working hours the main motto today began: « Service - first of all, personal - out of turn »? And much still it is possible to set "why", yes only only it becomes easier from it not on soul. In people of today there is not enough altruism, i.e. readiness to give all itself for the blessing of a society to put problems of a society (the environment) is higher than personal problems. Where today altruists? Yes, without a thing it cannot be at the person of honour. As there is no she(it) at those who disposes of destinies of people, accepting antinational and antiarmy acts. And if there is no honour there is no also a conscience. On what it is necessary to reflect to someone, to ask itself where this honour is buried or for how many she(it) it is sold? And the head of the state to think, with whom to go - with officials without honour or fair people further? And the Duma such is absolute, is not necessary, if she(it) from the Government agrees with all offers of officials and accepts. What for to hold it is so much freeloaders to look their fights, yes idle talk around all the same accepted bill, developed any Surabovim or Gref?
And answering the question put in heading, it would be desirable to trust, that someone has kept the honour from high-ranking officials. I believe in those deputies, some advisers of the President who, not looking on pressure of lobbyists, keep and assert the position of principle, keep the decency (it is a pity only, that such remained a little). I believe, that is not still lost in education of the Russian officer, the blessing there were in army people of old (Soviet) training. And the question I leave open.
On May, 9 all Russian people, and veterans of all postSoviet space, and also veterans of the European states, will mark the 60-anniversary of the Victory over hitlerite, fascist Germany. Also there will be certainly this day " with tears on eyes " on those who has not returned from war, on those who has not lived before this date. But most of all I am afraid, that tear of humiliation from the wrinkled eyes of gray with age old men that have deprived with them by this day that attention, that care which they have deserved the procast blood on fronts of severe war will break through also. In fact any privilege is a care and attention. And those disposable gifts as automobile " Oka ", face lifting of an apartment, a set of gifts, small monetary payments by a holiday - all this doles. Feeling  deceives anywhere you will not put, you will not throw out from soul. There will be an insult. The holiday will pass, and the insult remain. It too due to "honour" of our people's choices for which these old men voted also.

The colonel of a stock Sajfutdinov Grigory, on May, 1 2005г.

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