
Education of Russian officers on the best traditions of Fatherland Russian
Life to Fatherland, Honour to anybody.
(the Motto of Russian officers)
The Russian officer case was formed during Peter's I rough epoch when have sharply changed vital way, the form of clothes and norm of behaviour of military people. Having put one of the problems(tasks) to europeanize Russia, to attach her(it) to more civilized world, Peter Alekseevich began with unprecedented hitherto scope to enter various innovations and into a daily life and a life of army.
It affected and in ways of introduction etiquette. In 1717 under the order of tsar the translation book « Youthes fair eye, or Indications to everyday manner … » has been issued
In this book advice(councils) to young noblemen and officers were given how to behave in a society, to be a success. Among other advice(councils) it was recommended « to not spit in a circle », « the Persian a nose to not clean, it is loud not сморкаться and to not sneeze », and also thus to use a scarf, instead of to wipe a nose cuffs of sleeves. Last rule was quite often broken by young people that is why Peter as if has ordered to sew on a first line of sleeves of a military uniform of a button, having deprived thus snotty swells of a safe way to outdo. It was necessary to all of them to use a scarf which, by the way, was located there and then - under a cuff of a sleeve. Due to this men have learned this procedure, not resorting to sleeves, and therefore and buttons in due course have moved on the bottom party(side) a cuff.
The young officers were offered to keep also itself in order, in particular to cut off nails that they were looked « яро бо these by a velvet trim ». It was required also « for three steps a hat to remove in the pleasant image », and conversation of a message to be able in foreign language.
Peter attached great importance etiquetty, it is enough to tell, that « Fair зерцало » was three times republished at his(its) life, and many positions of this book were included in imperial decrees and military orders. By the way A.V.Suvorov by heart knew Peter « the Charter military » and in the orders almost literally used his(its) positions.
In the subsequent Russian army repeatedly experienced the periods of rise and decline. For example, Paul's four-year-old reign by destructive hurricane was carried by above Russian rumjanzevsko-suvorovskoi the army, much, having spoiled in it(her), first of all attitudes(relations) of private soldiers and commanders. Former principles of the debt, honour, a personal example of the officer were replaced with one - intimidation. Relapses « Pavlovsk gatchini » not time flashed in Russian army down to October revolution.
Speaking about traditions of officers of Russia, we cannot accept without grounds everything, than veins its(her) officer case, we take only positive features. Fruitful ideas of construction of the Russian army and fleet have been given birth by Peter I, Suvorov, Kutuzov, other military leaders who were starting with noble purposes and the blessing of the state Russian.
Taking advantage of the best traditions of pre-revolutionary officers, we thus promote perfection of moral bases of our army.
The life of Russian officers was rather widely reflected in the domestic literature, and in one classical product there was no sympathetic attitude(relation) of the author to the ugly phenomena of an officer life erected "гатчинцами" in laws of behaviour of the officer. On the contrary, Russian the writer - classics, well knowing the officer environment and frequently carrying a military uniform, invariable asserted(approved) moral shape of the officer суворовской schools. Many true ideas on attitudes(relations) between officers, about essence of service and household discipline are possible to find at V.G.Korolenko in a series of sketches « Official authority and customs of the military environment », L.N.thick in « the Sevastopol stories », A.S.Pushkin in « the Captain's daughter », M.JU.Lermontov in "Бэле" and other Russian writers.
In education of ethics of the officer the huge role was played with family traditions of military dynasties. That the old officer wrote to the son: « Honour demands, that in an external life of the officer the advantage following from consciousness of an accessory(a belonging) to estate to which protection of Fatherland is entrusted was expressed.
The officer should abstain from all acts which can damage(injure) reputations of the separate person or corporation, in particular from any revelry, drunkenness, gambling, participation in the unseemly enterprises and to a profit doubtful ways. It(he) never should give thoughtlessly the word of honour. The more assiduously the case of officers will support spirit of company, the it will be easier to warn to it(him) troubles and to avoid collisions and unworthy quarrels.
The fair self-respect should not address at the officer in lack of respect for other people at all. But you belong to honourable estate and consequently should remember constantly, that you at all on a kind … ».
The concept of honour and etiquette was formed at hereditary militarians since the childhood and is usual, then was brightly shown in army service, fighting affairs.
In 1874 when in Russia the compulsory military service has been entered, general M.Dragomirov wrote: « Now in a military organism revolution full: it is not enough teachers, it is a lot of pupils. An output(exit) from similar position one: to the officer it is necessary continuously and to work constantly if it(he) wants to be worthy ranks … Much oppress it is necessary to put, that with pure(clean) conscience to tell: many people have passed through my hands and were between them of what from that are not become better » a little.
Certainly, the officer environment of old army is guilty many reserves connected by her(it) castes. If not to concern those its(her) grimaces as duels, the scornful attitude(relation) to civilians, etc., we shall see in Russian army deeply true concepts about honour, advantage, a step, decency.
In « Notes about the general(common) military principles » E.Svinzinskogo (« the Military collection » 1857 г) are given, for example, such paragraphs of the military code: « the Officer should abstain from any hobbies and from all actions, able to throw even the slightest shadow over him(it) personally, and furthermore on the case of officers. The word of the officer always should be a pledge of the truth and consequently lie, boasting, default of the obligation - the defects undermining belief in truthfulness of the officer, disgrace his(its) rank and cannot be tolerant ».
In old Russian army there were many military - ethical manuals. It both advice(councils) to graduates junker and cadet schools, and an instruction to young officers, and rules of observance of honour and courtesy of the officer for a different arm of the service.
« At theatre, on a visit, in a train, at restaurant or hotel - everywhere the officer should remember, that it(he) carries a uniform of Russian army. Brother-soldiers strictly collected from him(it) for the offences which are not compatible with advantage of the officer. It(he) had no right to take part in quarrel in the street, to appear in public in a state of intoxication, is careless or not under the form dressed. The disrespectful attitude(relation) to the woman entailed sharp condemnation. To live not on means and consequently to stick in duties, to smear, dismiss about somebody gossips meant to lose respect of the present(true) officer family. In a shelf, except for a court of honour, there was a terrible punishment: had been guilty in a similar way to the officer comrades ceased to submit a hand. And if business reached before it(he) should or be translated in another of shelfs, or, in a peace time, submit to resignation ».
In this connection it is interesting and « Duel the code ». As the basic occasions for duels served: abuse, a slap in the face, компроментирование the officer or his(its) wives, other insults, including refusal in a mutual greeting.
Ignoring of bow or hand shake (and also неотдание honour) agrees duel to the code was considered as rough infringement of rules of politeness and admitted an encroachment on honour as showed neglect to the person, humiliation of human advantage to eyes of a society.
The uniform code of honour of the officer similar official « to the Arch of rules of military servility and saluting », in Russian army was not. However existed and such summary rules of military ethics and etiquette, as, for example, « Advice(Councils) to the young officer », made in 1904 captain V.M.Kulchitskim and recommended as « the Catechism for each officer » the general - quartermaster of a staff of army were repeatedly republished.
Laconism of a statement (down to aphorisms) guaranteed fast storing and an opportunity to find the necessary information(inquiry) at any moment. Characteristic style of the similar code of honour:
- Remember always, that you the officer and that the chief always and everywhere the chief. His(its) any order on service, in what form it would not be expressed, there is an order.
- Береги the honour, honour a shelf and armies. Behave simply, with advantage, without boasting. Be sustained, correct and tactful always, with all and everywhere. Be cautious in expressions. Do not write rash letters and official reports in a temper. Avoid scandals, monetary accounts with comrades. But if it is necessary, help to comrade not only a word, but also business and money.
- Avoid conversations on military themes with somebody outside of service. Be circumspect in a choice familiar.
- Honour - a relic of the officer. The officer respects human rights of private soldiers. Through numbers(lines) of army pass all classes of the population, therefore influence of the officer case it is distributed to all people. To mountain to the country in which the soldier carries away disgust for army from service. Soldiers, ruthless judges, carry across boundless Russia all пережитое on service, gratitude and animosity, respect and contempt.
- To beat the soldier it is forbidden by the law. Moreover, general - aide-de-camp Dragomirov говаривал: « for the Rack to correct without a touch ». The officer - the senior brother (but not familiar) the soldier.
- The maintenance(contents) of army is expensive, but these charges - the insurance which pays the state in maintenance of the safety …
- In military service vanity do not show in trifles, you will suffer always differently because of him(it). Do not cross feature of the reserves produced by traditions. Be guided in a life by feeling of validity and the debt of decency. Try, that in dispute your words were soft, and arguments are firm. Difficult minutes tone means much: for what to make - in sense of an order, and how to make in tone! The maximum(supreme) gift after force - skill to be self-controlled!
In Russian regular army suvorovskih times benevolent mutual relations between younger and senior were widely distributed. Suvorovski the officer respected the person of the subordinate, did not hesitate of friendship with it(him), saw in the young officer of the comrade on a calling and a trade, and his(its) reference(manipulation) to it(him) on "you" sounded intimately. Other mutual relations of the senior and younger officers have started to take root from the moment of the introduction on a throne of emperor Paul I. Even the grown-up on one grade the chief looked at the younger officer as on an essence the lowest. Paul's death has put an end to official sovereignty « gatchina systems », but has not destroyed her(it) finally.
In the environment of Russian officers centuries developed rules, even so-called "fine" on which observance it was possible to define(determine) the person brought up not only in the militarian, but also in the standard sense. Clever chiefs at each opportunity aspired to learn(teach) subordinates to the precise, clear language necessary and in service attitudes(relations), and in a society. They attached great importance not only to the militarian, but also the general education. The wide knowledge of the literature, a history, foreign languages was considered obligatory. Skill to support in a society conversation on a serious theme differed any officer cared about the reputation of the cultural person. The reference(manipulation) of the grown-up carrying offensive character, is especial at the presence of other persons (comrades, subordinates or in a society), was considered(examined) as tactlessness of the chief, as undermining of authority of the officer.
The overwhelming majority of the senior chiefs, understanding close interrelation of interests of military service with a high rank of the officer, developed in it(him) commander vanity, induced it(him) to value the advantage and honour. Such chiefs did not force to do(make) the subordinate of nothing compatible with officer honour. Service requirements from private(individual) conversation have learned to separate the majority of officers in colloquial tone of the grown-up, нотку the order from the personal request and even during daily dinners together with the chief precisely to catch, when it(he) addresses without ceremony, and when officially.
Between officers, it is especial in officer assembly, the companionable reference(manipulation) irrespective of a military rank and service position practised. During off-duty time, on rest and in many cases even in a working hours officers addressed to each other, as a rule, by name to a patronymic. Especially it has widely been distributed in navy fleet.
True traditions of Russian officers have consisted in sacred fidelity to Fatherland, in disinterested execution(performance) of the military debt, knowledge of the affair, discipline, the initiative and hardness, in brotherly love to subordinates and care of them, in spirit теснейшего companies between everyone who makes the officer case.
All these requirements, rules of behaviour constantly were in sight officer assemblies and in the majority rendered positive influence for a life and fighting service of officers.
The indisputable right has been given to officer assembly in the Russian army to consider(examine) nominees of brides of officers and to state rather strict estimation of behaviour of their wives according to the code of officer honour.
In the activity officer assemblies paid the big attention to education of officers on fighting traditions, on love to the part and to its(her) Fighting Banner. They highly honoured names of the полков and aspired to support their fighting reputation, to increase fighting glory. The name a shelf hidden узами connected soldiers in one family. Н flaunted on the Fighting Banner and was a source of pride of soldiers and officers. The military banner was considered as a relic. Many feats officers, asserting honour of the banners полков and by that, setting to the bottom grades have made an example of valorous service. The banner of a part was considered as an original relic for which each officer was ready to give the life, demanding the same from soldiers.
Alive carriers of traditions of army in officer assembly were veterans. Brought up on respect for light memory of heroes and fighting affairs of a part, they not only stored(kept) traditions, but also created them, addressing to officers with memoirs. For an example it is possible to result memoirs of one of veterans of лейб-guards Кеxgolmski a shelf. On general meeting of officers a shelf it(he) told that, moving « in a marching column on streets of a place … battalion the commander has noticed ancient elder which at a kind of our uniforms has removed(has taken off) a cap and was extended.
- You that, the grandfather? - the commander has asked battalion. - Why you stand quietly?
- And as, - the old man, in fact this my native shelfs has answered. In such uniform I, the father I, for туретчину went.
Battalion has turned a horse and has rushed off to regimental to the commander. The general has ordered to develop(unwrap) all 16 banners, and we a solemn march, under music, with the developed(unwrapped) banners have passed before the veteran …
It is difficult to tell about feelings which have captured during this solemn moment of all of us. Eyes of young and old soldiers shone, hearts were captured with sacred trembling. In magazine a shelf the exact place and time of a meeting with the veteran this very day has been written down. So the new tradition » was born in ours a shelf.
One of the first symbols of a military valour were shoulder-strap. The symbolics погон and an epaulette leaves in hoary antiquity.
Since 1802 in Russian army have started to enter погоны on both shoulders. They were sewed on a uniform and an overcoat. Officer shoulder-strap(погоны) were sheathed by a gold or silver cord. On shoulder-strap  (погонах) were sewed numbers of connections (parts) or initial letters of their names, and also a monogram, appropriated(given) to army parts (were embroidered). Since 1807 shoulder-strap (погоны) officers and generals have been replaced with epaulettes.
The elements of military clothes similar with shoulder-strap and being their predecessors, are known for a long time. Such elements were, for example, наплечники (оплечья), protecting ancient Russian heroes from impacts of swords of the enemy. The reference(manipulation) to such form of protection of soldiers was observed and during new time, in particular during thirty-year war (1618-1648) in Europe. At that time in кавалерийских эскадронах (it is especial among кирасир the Swedish king Gustava II Adolf) the reception of the cabin which consisting in drawing of strong slanting impact клинком on a shoulder of the enemy horseman and have received the name of " impact of death » has been distributed. For protection against such impacts on shoulders of cavalrymen приклепывались metal a plate. In the subsequent these of a plate have lost the value, but, having embodied in the other material, again have appeared on military uniforms in the form погон and an epaulette.
And before introduction shoulder-strap distinction in official position of soldiers and in their rank always found reflection in the certain elements of military clothes. It emphasized necessity to show respect for chiefs and grown-ups as more skilled in military science and more qualified persons in whom on behalf of the state is trusted to train armies and to operate them in fight. The basic idea of military service was embodied in distinctive signs on official position in the original material form - implicit and obligatory submission younger on a rank the grown-up.
So the command structure стрелецких armies as against private soldiers carried color gloves and a staff being at that time a symbol of authority. In the regular shelfs created by Peter I from end XYII of a century, corporals as against private soldiers, had a gold lace on cuffs of a camisole and on fields of a hat. On officer clothes by a gold lace were sheathed not only cuffs of a camisole and a field of a hat, but also a board and pockets of a camisole. Besides it, to officers gilded buttons, cervical metal signs which were put on in scarfs with gold (for staffs - officers) and silver (for subaltern officers) brushes relied build, and at parade - a red - white cervical tie. The form of clothes of Peter armies though also not so suitable for cold weather, with little changes kept prior to the beginning of Paul's I reign.
The severe punishment for a disgraceful act in a military school is failure shoulder-strap, equip with furniture rather solemn - dramatic: before строем the company commander broke mouths at guilty shoulder-strap under drumbeat. After that guilty strided for ротой, in several steps from the left flank. It had huge educational value. We shall notice, that the officer, and also junker and the cadet under any conditions did not consider possible(probable) to seem somewhere without shoulder-strap.
The contemptious attitude(relation) to everyone who did not carry officer shoulder-strap, accepted at times monstrous forms. In some parts of armies the Society of officers did not suppose in officer assembly of doctors of the parts as the last though carried the military form, but were not officers, and military officials.
Points of honor of a uniform in military schools as well as military schools took the important place in the general(common) education of the future officers.
Military clothes. She(it) was in Russia one of the first kinds of the award. In 1469 Ivan III has ordered to give out for courage in fight to soldiers - ustuganam sermyagi and the mutton fur coats. From here also there was a tradition of delivery of a uniform and military attributes which was considered as a symbol of honour. Deprivation of a uniform or the right of carrying of any accessories(belongings) of regimentals meant disgrace and served one of the severe punishments for the military man.
Well-dressed are broken completely and чикчиры лейб-guards horse the grenadier, circassian officers of His(Its) Majesty of an escort, a severe jacket of the cadet of the Sea case. As they are not similar against each other, but essence at them one. Behind all it is a long way of development of Russian regular army. Appearance of a uniform varied under influence of many reasons, including before development of artillery and a small arms. So, increased range of fight ружей in the middle of XIX century, forced to refuse bright sultans and plumes. And in the beginning of XX century to lift prestige of army, it was necessary to strengthen "picturesqueness" of the form, on the contrary. Such uniforms of Russian army also have reached us: at everyone a shelf the color of buttonholes, edgings, the emblems and symbols.
The uniform from time immemorial in Russia personified idea of statehood, Fatherland. Therefore and on сию пору the special sense is incorporated in concept "official authority".
The historic fact which says, that in 1821 during a supper on one of балов the colonel of лейб-guards Moscow G.A.Roman's shelf, contrary to existing rules is known, has unbuttoned a uniform. This trifling at a today's sight, infringements appeared enough for his(its) compelled resignation. Emperor Alexander I has ordered: « the Uniform (i.e. rights of his(its) carrying) Корсакову to not allow, for is noticed, that this it disturbs ». What is it? Whim of the autocrat? Most likely, care of that the officer never overlooked who it(he) such, what uniform carries.
Son Nikolay I Alexey was the chief of 89-th infantry Belomorskogo a shelf. It(he) usual carried an overcoat from the rough cloth, any discounts for high position. All under the charter. The successor should be on regimental holidays dressed strictly under the form. So since the childhood at cesarevitch, and not only at him(it), the feeling of a brotherhood of defenders of Fatherland was brought up. However, this fact speaks, contrary to the deformed representations inspired to us, and about the certain democratism existing in Russian army.
Practically all emperors, since Peter I, carried military uniforms, were registered in various shelfs and were their chieves. Not without reason "table of ranks" allocated (removed) the militarian one of the maximum (supreme) steps in a scale of ranks. Be compared to them could only court and diplomats. Therefore official authority was so high, that the officer never appeared in a society in other clothes.
One of displays of democratism in Russian army was carrying out of officer certifications. The technique of carrying out of certifications the B.Panaeva stated in the brochure « Officer certification », is worthy.
… Certification of officers of Russian army in the beginning of a century was carried out annually and carried out(spent) in some stages.
The FIRST STAGE. At the end of November, as a rule, officers a shelf gathered in officer assembly where it was brought полковое a banner that gave ceremonies special solemnity. The commander a shelf, addressing to officers with speech, reminded them their rights and a duty at drawing up of certification. Upon termination of speech writing-books with отрывными attestative forms were distributed to each officer. The problem(task) of officers consist in assessing each of colleagues. The maintenance(contents) of the form, his(its) criteria are remarkable:
1. The ATTITUDE(RELATION) TO MILITARY SERVICE: loves service; concerns it is indifferent; concerns scornfully.
2. The ATTITUDE(RELATION) TO DUTIES of SERVICE: excitedly; honesty; unfairly.
3. The ATTITUDE(RELATION) TO CHIEFS: it is executive; it is careless; fawns.
4. The ATTITUDE(RELATION) TO COMRADES: by all it is dear; good; bad.
6. The ATTITUDE(RELATION) WITH the SUBORDINATED BOTTOM GRADES: skilful; inept; intimate; scornful.
7. The ATTITUDE(RELATION) TO the WORD: irreproachable; thoughtless; does not hold a word.
8. PREPARATION FOR COMMAND: it is prepared perfectly; it is prepared; it is prepared insufficiently.
9. The ATTITUDE(RELATION) TO MILITARY SCIENCES: is interested in them; it is indifferent.
11. The ATTITUDE(RELATION) TO the FORM of CLOTHES: serious; thoughtless.
12. POSITIVE QUALITIES: it is noble; it is faultlessly fair; it is hardworking; it is truthful; it is tactful; it is polite; it is clever; does not drink; in cards(maps) does not play; to military service it is capable; health it is strong.
13. NEGATIVE QUALITIES: it is ignoble; it is dishonest; lying; it is lazy; it is tactless; it is impolite; it is silly; drinks much; plays cards much; to military service it is not capable; health it is weak.
14. The ATTITUDE(RELATION) TO the REPUTATION the SHELF: works for a shelf; it is indifferent; harms.
15. It is DESIRABLE FOR the SHELF WHETHER OR NOT: it is desirable; it is indifferent; it is undesirable.
In this list two signs were put down: a positive estimation - "!" And negative "-".
The SECOND STAGE. In the beginning of December officers handed over the filled forms. Under the direction of the commander the certifying commission got out of three valid and one spare which replaced one full member of the commission at drawing up of the characteristic with him(it). Elections of a certifying commission were carried out(spent) by ballot. After elections of the commission open envelopes were displayed on tables with surnames of officers a shelf, in which officers on a seniority put the filled attestative forms. The filled envelopes gathered for studying by the commission.
The THIRD STAGE. Began from the moment of reception by members of the commission of envelopes with attestative forms. The commission left in a separate room where worked until made all data. The premise(room) during work of the commission was protected, and there nobody was supposed. Upon termination of work chairman of the commission reported the commander a shelf which appointed day of delivery of certifications.
The FOURTH STAGE. Began from the date of delivery to officers of certifications by the commander a shelf. Officers, having received attestative sheets, looked through them and if necessary corresponding explanatories allowed.
For example, lieutenant Ivanov, having received in the column № 1-19 marks « concerns is indifferent » so made comments on them: « I Find opinion of 19 officers, that I concern to military service is indifferent, wrong. My love to it(her) proves that in military school I have acted(arrived), having ended(stopped) Perfectly Moscow university, having before itself it is many times better provided financially civil service, has preferred to it(her) army build. As an occasion to erroneous opinion my disputes with some comrades concerning preparation of our officers » have served.
The FIFTH STAGE. Officers were in assembly, personally representing the commander a shelf the attestative sheets. The commander a shelf did(made) on each characteristic the conclusion, expressing of the opinion, agreeing, supplementing or explaining abnormality of sights of the majority of officers. Then put them in полковой an attestative package, sealed up a personal seal and transferred them to storage.
All this work submitted to strict rules:
1. Default of duties on certifications or the negligent attitude(relation) to them is considered dishonest.
2. From the moment of reception from the commander a shelf of a writing-book with attestative forms the officer has no right with anybody to consult, being guided at filling attestative forms with extremely personal sights.
3. The officer has no right to anybody to show or disclose the filled attestative forms.
4. The officer has no right to anybody to show, except for the commander a shelf, the maximum(supreme) direct chiefs, the attestative sheet or to disclose it(him).
5. Members of a certifying commission have no right to anybody to show or disclose the maintenance(contents) of attestative documents.
6. The commander a shelf has no right to anybody, except for the direct chiefs to show attestative sheets of the subordinates.
In what advantage of this way аттестирования?
Despite of known, to modern measures, bulkiness, procedure differed democratism and objectivity. In fact the estimation of activity of each officer was exposed волею the majority that agree, has neutralized subjectivity, excluded partiality аттестующих. The commander, considering(examining) nominees on promotion, study, clearly, should reckon with the public opinion made in certifications. Reflecting dynamics(changes) of service of the officer, his(its) successes, mistakes, sheets show evolution professional and moral development. At last, contained as fiduciary, hence, the most bitter truth did not injure mentality of the officer, has not cut his(its) wings, leaving for it(him) an opportunity to apply a maximum of efforts for self-affirmation.
Prevalence of the collective beginnings in practice аттестирования, speaking the modern language, deprived with the careless officer and hopes for protection of the commander in promotion. In fact to achieve known heights, it is not enough to careerist to gain the chief - it is necessary to get authority at colleagues. And anything other, except for an affair, real successes, to the officer of own solvency to not prove. Similar installations, naturally, focused officers on true, not taking place values; diligent execution(performance) of the military debt, the statement of officer honour and advantage, consolidation уз army company.
The best part of Russian officers attached great importance not only to the militarian, but also the general education. The wide knowledge of the literature, a history, foreign languages was considered this Wednesday obligatory. Уменьем to support in a society conversation on a serious theme any officer cared about the reputation of the cultural person differed.
Characteristic feature of formation(education) of officers of imperial army was that before revolution there were no advanced training courses. The officers, ended militarians or юнкерские schools, have been given to themselves: occurred to nobody an idea to take an interest, as the officer fills up the knowledge.
At the same time, it is necessary to recognize attempts to liquidate this blank as various ways. Here it is traced two basic directions.
First of them
- Establishment in 1896 of " the Society of adherents of military knowledge ». Branches of this society existed in Warsaw, Вильно (Vilnius), Minsk, Tiflis (Tbilisi), Riga, Samarkand, Khabarovsk and other cities. The purpose of creation of a society has consisted in distribution among officers of military knowledge, and also in development of questions of the military theory and a history.
The second direction
- Preparation and the publication of various materials for an officers. Among these materials of the publication about social purpose(assignment) of officers, problem materials on development of the qualities necessary for an officers.
The materials containing advice(councils) of the recommendation, manual were extremely useful to all categories of an officers.
Among them the header place by the right borrows(occupies) « Manual to self-discipline and self-education », executed as letters of the old officer to the son.
For example, the letter the first contains explanations about value of the officer in army, about pride and self-conceit, position in a society and the attitude(relation) to service, a choice of acquaintances, etc. The Second letter opens such concept as "fidelity", the third - is devoted to questions of alertness …
« Now you should define(determine) itself the image of actions and be responsible for him(it), - is spoken in the first letter. For me is need(requirement) to talk to you about your works, but fine duties and to help you advice(council) with inconvenient cases, to specify those stumbling-blocks which from time till time meet to any officer on a vital way ».
The trustworthy tone, wise advice(councils) of the senior officer, it appears, were as it is impossible, by the way, for the young man entering officer family.
One of the factors influencing formation(education) of Russian officers during their service activity, the example of Russian military leaders and naval commanders was. The imperial government understood, that the example of valour and glory of ancestors plays an important role. This circumstance also has caused the publication of a series of materials about them. But the living example was not less important. It is far from being all generals, admirals and officers of imperial army were persons, worthy imitations. But was and a lot of such whom followed an example on whom were equaled.
One of such people admiral S.O.Makarov (1849 - 1904) - the oustanding Russian naval commander and the scientist, the author more 50-ти scientific works on questions of a sea affair and oceanography was. His(its) book « the Reasoning on questions of sea tactics » is a sample of the serious attitude(relation) of the naval commander to that nowadays refers to as the moral factor.
With reference to fleet, Makarov has given the characteristic of the qualities necessary for the commander by fleet, to the officer and the sailor. Among priority qualities of the commander it(he) allocated with fleet: bravery and composure, mind(wit), an eye estimation, a sea eye, knowledge, health and validity. The sailor, in his(its) opinion, should possess such advantages, as: health and endurance, a habit to discipline and sea, boldness, knowledge, etc. The Remarkable character trait of admiral Makarova was that it(he) constantly was in search, never stopped in the development. Everything what his(its) mind(wit) touched, became a subject of steadfast studying and concrete practical actions. So was, when sea department has collided(faced) necessity to develop means of defeat of the ship reservation. Makarov has suggested to use in these purposes special tips for shells. As a result of this innovation steel sheets began пробиваемыми. The sharp eye of admiral Makarova has not ignored also the reason of destruction of courts. It(he) has developed the whole system of struggle for survivability of the ships, questions of moral and psychological preparation of sailors and officers to this activity. Have not stopped his(its) difficulty and in protection of Port Arthur against artillery bombardments. It(he) for the first time has applied to protection defending ship artillery, reflecting an attack shooting from the closed gun positions.
Not casually and that « Reflections on questions of sea tactics » have found S.O.Makarova's work possible(probable) and necessary to issue in 1942, in one of critical years of Great Domestic war.
The Russian officer case was always strong the nice(famous) traditions which historical roots leave far in a history of the Russian state. However a lot of them has not been deserved forgotten. Danger and harm of it is uneasy for noticing. Remarkable levers of education on the historical past are lost. One of the reasons of that the level of intellectual development and culture of the officer case has sharply fallen, prestige of military service is in waste of historical our heritage, in break of communication(connection) between generations of Russian officers. As an output(exit) from this crisis revival of the best traditions of the Russian officer case and education on them the future officers can serve.
The chief admitting in the armies a robbery, violence over inhabitants and captured, puts the most fatal bases for moral decomposition of armies and a pledge of their true defeat by the enemy. The discipline should be железною. In it of any doubt, but it is reached(achieved) by moral authority of the chief, instead of massacre.
It is necessary, that officers have kept full energy, the self-control and ability independently to be solved under any circumstances. Indefatigable care of the soldier, love to it(him), business proved, the best pledge to a victory.
Let's keep in this to cleanliness glory of Russian name and glory полков, maintained … ценою blood.
General M.D.Skobelev

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